Thank you hopefully biography Biography and Profiles. Benefit for you to get to know more of the world leaders, Pattimura, real name Thomas Matulessy (born in Hualoy, Hualoy, South Ceram, Maluku, June 8, 1783 - died in Ambon, Maluku, December 16, 1817 at the age of 34 years) . He was the son of Frank Matulesi with Fransina Silahoi. As for the government's version Pattimura biography was first published, M Sapija wrote, "That the noble hero Pattimura classified as derivatives and from Nusa Ina (Seram). Dad named Antoni Mattulessy he was the son of Kasimiliali Pattimura Mattulessy. The latter is the son of Sahulau king. Sahulau is the name of the country that is located in a bay in the South Seram ".
From the history of the written Pattimura M Sapija, his lieutenant was giving the Netherlands. They are not. According to historian Mansyur Suryanegara, ancestor of this nation, from the point of history and anthropology, is homo religiosa (being religious). Their belief in something beyond the power of their minds, give rise to interpretations that are difficult to digest modern ratio. Therefore, their social behavior is controlled natural forces that they fear.
Their souls are united with the forces of nature, magic-magic special a person. Miracle was later accepted as a noble and sacred event. If he sticks to a person, that person is a symbol of their strength. He is considered a leader has charisma. The properties were attached and proceeds down through the generations. Although then they have embraced, but the genealogical / lineage / descent is an instance leader or lieutenant. From this fact as "lieutenant" inherent in Pattimura it began.
Their souls are united with the forces of nature, magic-magic special a person. Miracle was later accepted as a noble and sacred event. If he sticks to a person, that person is a symbol of their strength. He is considered a leader has charisma. The properties were attached and proceeds down through the generations. Although then they have embraced, but the genealogical / lineage / descent is an instance leader or lieutenant. From this fact as "lieutenant" inherent in Pattimura it began.
Before you take the fight to the VOC he had a career in the military as a former British army sergeant. The word "Moluccas" comes from the Arabic Al-Malik Al-Mulk or meaning Land of Kings. remember at that time the number of royal In 1816 the British handed over power to the Dutch and later the Dutch menetrapkan monopoly policy, a tax on land (landrente), displacement of population and voyage Hongi (Hongi Tochten), and ignore the Treaty of London I include in article 11 contains a provision that the British Resident in Ambon must negotiate before removal koprs Ambon and in agreement with the Governor also stated clearly that if the British government ended up in the Maluku Ambon the soldiers should be released in terms of the right to choose to enter military service out of the new government or military service, but in Pratiknya pemindahn military service is enforced Coming back colonial Dutch in 1817 got a tough challenge from the people.
This is due to political, economic, and social relations are bad for two centuries. Maluku People finally rose up arms under the leadership of Kapitan Pattimura So when the war broke out against the Dutch colonialists in 1817, Kings Patih, the Kapitan, Indigenous Elders and people lifting as leaders and warlords as experienced and possesses sfat knight (kabaressi). As a warlord, Kapitan Pattimura war strategizing with aides.
As a leader he successfully coordinated Patih Kings in carrying out the activities of government, lead people, manage education, providing food and building fortifications. Widely recognized authority in leadership by the king and the duke of ordinary people. In the struggle against the Dutch he also unity to the kingdom of Ternate and Tidore, kings in Bali, Sulawesi and Java. Pattimura a national scale war that the Dutch faced with the power of a large and powerful military to send its own admiral Buykes, one Commissioner General to face Patimura.
Great battles against the Dutch army inland and sea coordinated Kapitan Pattimura penglimanya assisted by, among others Melchior Kesaulya, Anthoni Rebhok, Philip Latumahina and Ulupaha. The battle that destroyed the Dutch troops listed as seizure Duurstede Dutch fort, the battle on the beach Waisisil and jasirah Hatawano, Ouw-Ullath, Jasirah Hitu Ambon and Seram Island South. Pattimura war can only be stopped by pitting politics, deceit and earth scorched by the Dutch. The hero eventually captured and put an end to his service on the gallows on December 16, 1817 in the city of Ambon. For service and sacrifice, the Kapitan Pattimura confirmed as "FREEDOM STRUGGLE HEROES" by the government of the Republic of Indonesia ...... National Hero of Indonesia. Belief in one God infinitely just and civilized humanity unity of Indonesia, democracy guided by the wisdom of representative deliberation wisdom in freedom for all people of Indonesia.
Great battles against the Dutch army inland and sea coordinated Kapitan Pattimura penglimanya assisted by, among others Melchior Kesaulya, Anthoni Rebhok, Philip Latumahina and Ulupaha. The battle that destroyed the Dutch troops listed as seizure Duurstede Dutch fort, the battle on the beach Waisisil and jasirah Hatawano, Ouw-Ullath, Jasirah Hitu Ambon and Seram Island South. Pattimura war can only be stopped by pitting politics, deceit and earth scorched by the Dutch. The hero eventually captured and put an end to his service on the gallows on December 16, 1817 in the city of Ambon. For service and sacrifice, the Kapitan Pattimura confirmed as "FREEDOM STRUGGLE HEROES" by the government of the Republic of Indonesia ...... National Hero of Indonesia. Belief in one God infinitely just and civilized humanity unity of Indonesia, democracy guided by the wisdom of representative deliberation wisdom in freedom for all people of Indonesia.
Statue Pattimura
Straighten history Kapitan Ahmad `Pattimura 'Lussy Muslim leaders are actually named Ahmad Lussy, but he is better known by the identical Mattulessy Thomas Christians. Here's one example of the minor deislamisasi and betrayal on the history of terrorism in Maluku and / or Indonesia in general. (I told you all (that) I was a big banyan andevery big banyan banyan will fall but others will replace(So) I say unto you (that) I was a rocklarge boulders and any other stones will tumble but willreplace it).
Utterances are full of poetic imagery were spoken by Kapitan Ahmad Lussy or known as Pattimura, hero of the Moluccas. At that time, December 16, 1817, has been entwined rope hanging around his neck. From his remarks, it appears that Ahmad Lussy a patriot with big hearts. He was not afraid of death. Steadfast in character, personality and self-esteem in the face of the enemy. Ahmad Lussy also seemed optimistic. But the courage and patriotism Pattimura was distorted by the government's version of history writing. M Sapija, the first historian to write a book about Pattimura, deciphering speech at the end of death by "Pattimura-old Pattimura be destroyed, but later Pattimura-Pattimurayoung will rise " But according to M Nour Tawainella, also a historian, Sapija interpretation is not fit for the color of Indonesian grammar are too modern and different from the cultural context of the time. Elsewhere, Sapija interpret,
"Goodbye brothers", or "Goodbye castings-Castings" This also refuted Tawainella. Therefore, such talk is not typical Pattimura patriotic and optimistic. The highlight of the controversy about who Pattimura is any mention of the names Ahmad Lussy Thomas Mattulessy, from the name of a Muslim to become a Christian. Amazingly, more people believe in the Christian predicates, because Maluku is often identified with Christianity. that is the history of the debate until now.
"Goodbye brothers", or "Goodbye castings-Castings" This also refuted Tawainella. Therefore, such talk is not typical Pattimura patriotic and optimistic. The highlight of the controversy about who Pattimura is any mention of the names Ahmad Lussy Thomas Mattulessy, from the name of a Muslim to become a Christian. Amazingly, more people believe in the Christian predicates, because Maluku is often identified with Christianity. that is the history of the debate until now.
Terjemahan :
Terima kasih semoga biografi Biografi dan Profil. Manfaat bagi Anda untuk mengenal lebih banyak pemimpin dunia, Pattimura, nama asli Thomas Matulessy (lahir di Hualoy, Hualoy, South Seram, Maluku, 8 Juni 1783 - meninggal di Ambon, Maluku, 16 Desember 1817 pada usia 34 tahun). Ia adalah putra dari Frank Matulesi dengan Fransina Silahoi. Adapun versi pemerintah Pattimura biografi pertama kali diterbitkan, M Sapija menulis, "Bahwa pahlawan mulia Pattimura tergolong turunan dan dari Nusa Ina (Seram). Ayah bernama Antoni Mattulessy dia adalah anak dari Kasimiliali Pattimura Matulessy. Yang terakhir adalah anak dari Sahulau raja. Sahulau adalah nama negara yang terletak di sebuah teluk di Seram Selatan ".
Dari sejarah ditulis Pattimura M Sapija itu, letnan itu memberikan Belanda. Mereka tidak. Menurut sejarawan Mansyur Suryanegara, leluhur bangsa ini, dari sudut sejarah dan antropologi, adalah homo religiosa (religius). keyakinan mereka sesuatu di luar kekuatan pikiran mereka, menimbulkan interpretasi yang sulit dicerna rasio modern. Oleh karena itu, perilaku sosial mereka dikendalikan kekuatan alam yang mereka takuti. Jiwa mereka bersatu dengan kekuatan alam, sihir-sihir khusus seseorang. Keajaiban kemudian diterima sebagai acara yang mulia dan suci. Jika ia melekat pada seseorang, orang itu adalah simbol dari kekuatan mereka. Ia dianggap seorang pemimpin memiliki karisma. Sifat-sifat yang melekat dan hasil turun-temurun. Meskipun kemudian mereka telah memeluk, tapi silsilah / keturunan / keturunan adalah pemimpin contoh atau letnan. Dari fakta ini sebagai "letnan" yang melekat dalam Pattimura itu dimulai.
Sebelum Anda melakukan perlawanan kepada VOC ia memiliki karir di militer sebagai mantan sersan tentara Inggris. Kata "Maluku" berasal dari bahasa Arab Al-Malik Al-Mulk atau yang berarti Tanah Raja. ingat pada waktu itu jumlah royal Pada 1816 Inggris menyerahkan kekuasaan kepada nanti kebijakan monopoli menetrapkan Belanda Belanda dan, pajak atas tanah (landrente), perpindahan penduduk dan pelayaran Hongi (Hongi Tochten), dan mengabaikan Traktat London I antara lain dalam pasal 11 berisi ketentuan bahwa Residen Inggris di Ambon harus bernegosiasi sebelum penghapusan koprs Ambon dan dalam perjanjian dengan Gubernur juga menyatakan dengan jelas bahwa jika pemerintah Inggris berakhir di Ambon Maluku tentara harus dibebaskan dalam hal hak untuk memilih untuk memasuki dinas militer keluar pemerintah baru atau dinas militer, tetapi dalam Pratiknya pemindahn layanan militer diberlakukan kembali kolonial Belanda pada tahun 1817 mendapat tantangan keras dari rakyat.
Hal ini disebabkan hubungan politik, ekonomi, dan sosial yang buruk selama dua abad. Maluku Orang akhirnya naik senjata di bawah pimpinan Kapitan Pattimura Jadi ketika perang pecah melawan penjajah Belanda tahun 1817, Raja Patih, Kapitan, Adat Sesepuh dan orang-orang mengangkat pemimpin dan panglima perang seperti yang dialami dan memiliki sfat kesatria (kabaressi). Sebagai panglima perang, perang Kapitan Pattimura menyusun strategi dengan pembantu.
Sebagai pemimpin dia berhasil mengkoordinir Patih Kings dalam melaksanakan kegiatan pemerintahan, orang memimpin, mengelola pendidikan, menyediakan makanan dan bangunan benteng. Secara luas diakui otoritas dalam kepemimpinan oleh raja dan adipati orang biasa. Dalam perjuangan melawan Belanda ia juga kesatuan untuk kerajaan Ternate dan Tidore, raja-raja di Bali, Sulawesi dan Jawa. Pattimura perang skala nasional bahwa Belanda menghadapi kekuatan militer yang besar dan kuat untuk mengirim Buykes Laksamana sendiri, salah satu Komisaris Jenderal untuk menghadapi Patimura. Besar pertempuran melawan tentara Belanda pedalaman dan laut dikoordinasikan Kapitan Pattimura penglimanya dibantu oleh, antara lain Melchior Kesaulya, Anthoni Rebhok, Philip Latumahina dan Ulupaha. Pertempuran yang menghancurkan tentara Belanda terdaftar sebagai kejang Duurstede benteng Belanda, pertempuran di pantai Waisisil dan Jasirah Hatawano, Ouw-Ullath, Jasirah Hitu Ambon dan Pulau Seram Selatan. perang Pattimura hanya bisa dihentikan oleh pitting politik, tipu daya dan bumi hangus oleh Belanda. pahlawan akhirnya ditangkap dan mengakhiri pengabdiannya di tiang gantungan pada 16 Desember 1817 di kota Ambon. Untuk layanan dan pengorbanan, Kapitan Pattimura dikukuhkan sebagai "PAHLAWAN FREEDOM PERJUANGAN" oleh pemerintah Republik Indonesia ...... Pahlawan Nasional Indonesia. Ketuhanan yang Maha Esa jauh hanya dan kemanusiaan persatuan beradab Indonesia, demokrasi terpimpin oleh hikmat kebijaksanaan musyawarah perwakilan kebebasan bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia.
Patung Pattimura
Meluruskan sejarah Kapitan Ahmad `Pattimura 'Lussy Para pemimpin Muslim sebenarnya bernama Ahmad Lussy, tetapi dia lebih dikenal dengan identik Mattulessy Thomas Kristen. Berikut ini salah satu contoh dari deislamisasi minor dan pengkhianatan tentang sejarah terorisme di Maluku dan / atau Indonesia pada umumnya. (Saya katakan semua (yang) saya adalah beringin besar DANSETIAP beringin beringin besar akan jatuh tetapi yang lain akan menggantikan (Jadi) Aku berkata kepadamu (yang) saya adalah batu-batu rocklarge dan setiap batu-batu lain akan jatuh tapi willreplace itu).
Ucapan-ucapan yang penuh citra puitis diucapkan oleh Kapitan Ahmad Lussy atau dikenal sebagai Pattimura, pahlawan dari Maluku. Pada saat itu, 16 Desember 1817, telah terjalin tali tergantung di lehernya. Dari sambutannya, tampak bahwa Ahmad Lussy seorang patriot yang berjiwa besar. Dia tidak takut mati. Teguh dalam karakter, kepribadian dan harga diri dalam menghadapi musuh. Ahmad Lussy juga tampak optimis. Tapi keberanian dan patriotisme Pattimura itu terdistorsi oleh versi pemerintah penulisan sejarah. M Sapija, sejarawan pertama yang menulis buku tentang Pattimura, mengartikan ucapan di akhir mati oleh
"Pattimura Pattimura berusia dihancurkan, tetapi kemudian Pattimura-Pattimurayoung akan naik" Namun menurut M Nour Tawainella, juga seorang sejarawan, Sapija interpretasi tidak cocok untuk warna tata bahasa Indonesia yang terlalu modern dan berbeda dari konteks budaya waktu. Di tempat lain, Sapija menafsirkan, "Selamat tinggal saudara-saudara", atau "Selamat tinggal tuang-tuang" Ini juga membantah Tawainella. Oleh karena itu, pembicaraan seperti ini tidak khas Pattimura patriotik dan optimis. Puncak kontroversi tentang siapa Pattimura adalah penyebutan nama Ahmad Lussy Thomas Mattulessy, dari nama seorang Muslim menjadi seorang Kristen. Hebatnya, banyak orang percaya pada predikat Kristen, karena Maluku sering diidentikkan dengan Kristen. bahwa sejarah perdebatan sampai sekarang.
"Pattimura Pattimura berusia dihancurkan, tetapi kemudian Pattimura-Pattimurayoung akan naik" Namun menurut M Nour Tawainella, juga seorang sejarawan, Sapija interpretasi tidak cocok untuk warna tata bahasa Indonesia yang terlalu modern dan berbeda dari konteks budaya waktu. Di tempat lain, Sapija menafsirkan, "Selamat tinggal saudara-saudara", atau "Selamat tinggal tuang-tuang" Ini juga membantah Tawainella. Oleh karena itu, pembicaraan seperti ini tidak khas Pattimura patriotik dan optimis. Puncak kontroversi tentang siapa Pattimura adalah penyebutan nama Ahmad Lussy Thomas Mattulessy, dari nama seorang Muslim menjadi seorang Kristen. Hebatnya, banyak orang percaya pada predikat Kristen, karena Maluku sering diidentikkan dengan Kristen. bahwa sejarah perdebatan sampai sekarang.
Reviewed by
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
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